
Small Campaign Idea for OTH Series Finale and BJG's Birthday

Sorry, only OTH related image on my work computer
Hi Everyone,

I've been thinking about blowing the dust off of this campaign to do something in honour of the final episode of a TV show that we've laughed with, cried with, and even threw a few temper tantrums with.

It'd also be in honour of a woman who we all have been inspired by in our own ways over the years.

The last episode of the show and BJG's birthday fall in the same week (assuming her bday is April 2nd? I know the Internet lies...).

I was thinking I would set up a new campaign on Crowdrise to raise money for Love 146. I was thinking with 9 years of OTH, we could set a goal to raise $900 during the week of April 2-6.

I'd also love to trend something like #BJGFansAgainstHumanTrafficking (feel free to suggest something catchier) on her birthday with a link to the fundraising page on Crowdrise, This wouldn't be donations driven; it'd just be all of us using our voices to do something special over Twitter again.

What do you all think? Will you help me reach this goal during the final week of a show that has touched all of our lives in a different way?

Let me know if you want to get involved and have more ideas on Twitter or in the comment box!

Much love,